
White Elephant Poop

Every year at my work holiday party we play White Elephant. I always get a gift card for the event because I’ve been stuck with a mug and hot cocoa mix before and I can’t say that I was thrilled… not to offend anyone who loves mugs and hot cocoa. So, this year baby Jesus was smiling down upon me and I will tell you why. I happened to be in the lobby a few weeks ago when a client brought in a fecal sample from her pet for testing and she had put the sample inside Tupperware inside a bag inside of this lovely Christmas bag with tissue paper and all.

This was hardly the first time that a client has told me that they brought us a “present” when bringing in their pet’s shit. In fact, every time I hear that phrase in that situation I’m mildly annoyed because everyone seems to think that it is such a funny joke that they themselves came up with. This time however, I was amused. The thought sprung forth into my mind so suddenly, “I must use this bag to put my White Elephant gift in and not tell anyone it’s a poopy bag until the very end.”

I would just like to say at this point that the bag was completely clean and not compromised in any way. However, there is one person I work with that I knew would totally be disgusted by the poopy bag revelation and I also knew she likes Amazon a lot… you can imagine where I bought my gift card to this year. Still, there is so much chance involved in White Elephant, it was a long shot that she would end up with my gift… but she did… and that is the story of my best White Elephant experience to date. Merry Christmas everyone!

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