
Blog Break

Hello everyone, I will be taking a while off from blogging in order to snuggle puppies. As kids go back to school, there will be a shortage of family puppy snugglers but, thankfully, I’m willing to fill the void.

In reality, this is not the case as much as I wish it was. The next couple of weeks are actually crunch time for my Practice of the Year application at work and I barely have time for anything right now. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will have plenty of wedding posts coming up. I just finished making invitations and they turned out so beautiful. I’ll be putting together centerpieces and trying on wedding dresses so stay tuned.


February is National Pet Dental Month


Today (along with being the day of the Super Bowl of course) is the first day of National Pet Dental Month. The reason I mention this is because Loki is SO freakin cute. I needed a photo for a dental month article I was doing at work and I got Loki to balance his toothbrush on his nose long enough for me to take several great pics. I must be one of the most obnoxious pet mommies because I paraded his pictures around to anyone who would look and listen. I was just so damn proud of his goofy ass. When Loki decided he was done balancing his toothbrush after a while he flipped it up and caught it with his mouth… me… dying… of… pride.